Sunday, November 26, 2017

4 Ways to Replace a Missing Tooth

Fixed Bridge

A bridge is an option when there are teeth on either side of the missing tooth.

It stays cemented in the mouth and does not come out.

This does involve cutting down the teeth on either side of the missing tooth to be able to connect them together. Floss threaders, which slide under the bridge, should be used daily, to keep it clean.
The disadvantages for bridges are cutting down teeth that might be perfectly healthy. If there is a leak under the anchor teeth of the bridge, decay can occur below. A bridge can replace one or two missing teeth easily, and sometimes more if there is enough support.

Removable partial denture

A removable partial denture is worn during the day. This is used to replace one or many missing teeth.

-Sometimes may need metal clasps to help it stay in the mouth which may be visible when speaking or smiling.
- They move a little when speaking or eating, which can be uncomfortable.
-We recommend taking them out at night and soaking them in a cleaning solution.

There is no need to file down any teeth, and this option is usually the most economical. A full denture can replace all missing teeth.

Dental Implant

An implant is a great way to replace a missing tooth.

This solution feels and acts the most like a natural tooth when chewing, brushing or smiling. A major advantage is no need to alter any other teeth when placing an implant. An implant is a great solution for a single missing tooth, and even more implants can replace many missing teeth. When smiling or talking there is no way to tell the difference between an implant and a natural tooth.

The implant replaces the actual root of the missing tooth and heals in the bone for 3 to 7 months and we then begin the restorative phase. We or your dentist then place an abutment, to which a crown will be cemented. Dental implants are usually a more costly option, at least initially, but are often the best long-term investment.

Do Nothing

There is always the option to do nothing.
Saves money, at least initially
When a tooth is removed, the bone shrinks away and the other teeth in the area will shift to fill the gap. This can sometimes lead to other problems like shifting of other teeth, causing bone loss or decay around the existing teeth as they become more difficult to clean.
If you have questions about replacing teeth lost to fractures, decay or gum disease, contact us today at 727-586-2681.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Eat the foods you love again with Gum Grafting Procedures in Clearwater, Florida

Want to be able to eat ice cream again?

Tooth pain that you experience because of sensitivity to hot, cold, or acidic food or drink can be caused by decay, fractured teeth or worn fillings. But gum disease, causing exposed roots due to a receding gum line, along with with worn teeth or roots can also be the source of the problem.

Healthy teeth have a layer of enamel that protects the crowns of your teeth—the part you can see above the gum line. Below the gum line a layer called cementum protects the roots, and below the enamel and the cementum is dentin. Dentin contains microscopic tubules (small canals). If dentin loses its protective covering of enamel or cementum –or sometimes when gums recede — these tubules allow heat and cold or acidic or sticky foods to reach the nerves and cells inside the tooth. The result can be hypersensitivity.

Sensitive teeth can be treated in a variety of ways. Dr. Britten will recommend the appropriate treatment based on the cause of your sensitivity. Those might include:

- A de-sensitizing or prescription toothpaste containing minerals or compounds that help block transmission of sensation from the tooth surface to the nerve. Repeated applications (4 to 6 weeks) are usually necessary before the sensitivity is reduced.

- Application of a fluoride varnish or Kuraray desensitizing mineral powder, an in-office treatment which strengthens tooth enamel and reduces the transmission of sensations.

- Sometimes gum grafting is needed. This is a surgical procedure to protect the root and reduce sensitivity by replacing gum tissue that has been lost from the root.

Proper oral hygiene can often prevent tooth pain not caused by trauma.  Contact us today if you have any questions about your daily oral hygiene routine or concerns about tooth sensitivity.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Clearwater Dental Implant Specialist LAPIP laser surgery for dental implants

Dental implants are a great way to give you a beautiful and functional smile, they are not without limitations. Some patients could experience swelling or infection around their implants, which is known as peri-implantitis.

If you noticed a change in your implants, Dr. Todd Britten can provide a breakthrough procedure following the LAPIP® protocol.

How the Procedure Works

This procedure is minimally invasive, due to the use of cutting-edge, gentle laser technology. This allows Dr. Britten to treat peri-implantitis without the need for incisions.

During the procedure, our state-of-the-art PerioLase laser targets the inflamed area of the gum tissue and eliminates harmful bacteria and infection that has developed. There is no need to worry about an extensive recovery period, sutures or any incisions.

The importance of eliminating unhealthy tissue

Even though dental implants are a great option for patients who have lost their teeth due to periodontal disease, the disease can still continue even around dental implants.

It is essential that diseased implants receive proper treatment as soon as possible to protect these implants, other teeth, bone structure and oral health.

If you think your gums might be inflamed around your dental implants, schedule an appointment with us today. Contact us today to learn more about the LAPIP® protocol and its many benefits to you and your oral health.

#lapip #lapipperiodontist #clearwaterperiodontist #lasersurgery #LANAP #LAPIP #dentalimplantsclearwater

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Indirect Sinus Lift Clearwater, Florida

This procedure is less invasive than the direct sinus augmentation lift and is performed by preparing the bone for the dental implant as normal. Once the floor of the sinus has been reached, bone is gently packed in the preparation and pressed upward. This motion will tent the membrane of the sinus upward and create additional room for the full length of the implant.
As with the sinus augmentation graft or direct sinus lift, care will be taken not to damage the sinus and this procedure will have no effect on sinus pressure or affect people that suffer from seasonal allergies.
Clearwater Periodontist & Dental Implant Specialist Dr. Todd Britten

Ridge Augmentation in Clearwater, Florida Dr. Todd Britten

Careful management of extraction sockets after a tooth is removed prevents unsightly bone loss and provides a better cosmetic outcome for tooth replacement. To increase the possibility of future implant placement, and to prevent more bone resorption, a ridge preservation procedure may be recommended. Without the use of a bone graft and collagen barrier at the time of extraction, studies show that 30­-40% of the jaw bone is immediately lost. This is because your body perceives that once the root is removed, the bone is no longer needed and your body absorbs or removes it, creating a ridge deformity.
These ridge deformities leave you with inadequate bone and tissue thickness for either bridge or dental implant restoration. The defects may have been caused by trauma, developmental defects, periodontal disease, the wearing of dentures, or through previous tooth loss.

Ridge augmentation procedures have been shown to greatly enhance the cleansability and appearance of your restorations. They increase your chance for long ­term successful dental restoration, both esthetically and functionally. Ridge augmentation procedures may be performed with gum tissue and/or bone grafting materials.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Clearwater Periodontist Holds Third Annual Veteran's Day Event

Dr. Todd M. Britten and the team at Britten Periodontics & Implant Dentistry had an early start on Veteran's Day which is Friday, November 11th. They held their 3rd annual Free Dental Day for Veterans on Friday, November 3rd, 2017. Britten Periodontics once again had overwhelming offers to help from many dental professionals in the community willing to donate their time and resources to provide free dental care. Patients were directed to the event this year from The Homeless Emergency Project in Clearwater, as well as local V.A. Branches from Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough counties.
“Once again, we have had an incredible response from the community and were able to get skilled and compassione local restorative dentists involved.” For the third year in a row, Clearwater Dental Associates, Dr. Jim Hayslett and Dr. Keith Kiskadden and their staff are on board to help out with our event, seeing patients for fillings, crowns and even dentures. New to this year’s event, Dr. Michael Podlusky in Seminole, Florida, also reached out to Dr. Britten to also help, making upper and lower dentures at no-cost for one of the patients. "Many thanks to Dr. Britten for organizing the Veteran's Day Event and graciously offering me the opportunity to help treat a patient. So glad to help at least one of our honored Vets. One person can't do everything, but all of us working together surely can!" Said Dr. Mike Podlusky.   

Dr. Britten’s dental specialty, periodontics, often involves managing and treating advanced gum disease. A periodontist is often able to help a patient in danger of losing teeth or with active oral infection to turn their health around. “Having Clearwater Dental Associates involved again this year, and the gracious help of Dr. Mike Podlusky and his team enables us to provide more comprehensive care to our veterans. Being a periodontist, my specialty is really the surrounding structures of the teeth; roots, gum and bone. My job is to help with the foundation. Having the restorative specialists involved helps us to treat the whole mouth and really deliver comprehensive care to these veterans.” Dr. Britten sees most patients for a comprehensive evaluation, radiographs and treatment consult prior to the event in order to determine what services he as the gum specialist can provide in his office, and make appropriate referral for restorative care from local dentists who have volunteered to help with the event.
Britten says being able to offer two different forms of sedation to Veterans for this event in his Clearwater, FL practice has helped for patients who have PTSD, dental anxiety, or may require extensive surgical treatment.  Dr. Britten expressed his concern. “Most of the time, periodontal disease is not painful until it gets to be very advanced. Some of the veterans had been dealing with painful teeth for a long time.”
For Britten and his team this event is something they look forward to all year long. They keep in touch with veterans from previous events and this year they were able to provide follow up exams, x-rays and periodontal maintenance procedures, which help prevent reinfection of the gums following treatment. “This year we were able to invite Veterans from previous events to receive follow up maintenance care at this year’s event,” said one dental hygienist at Britten Periodontics who helped organize this year’s event. "It was great to see them again and the progress they have made in their oral health. It is touching to be a part of something that has changed someone's life in such a positive way."
One patient returning this year received treatment at the inaugural event was John Smith, who served in the US Navy in Vietnam from 1965-1969. Dr. Britten explained that he was honored to be able to help Mr. Smith and to continue in his care since the 2015 event. The VFW Post 2473 in Clearwater where Mr. Smith serves as canteen manager does much to help local veterans.
When asked what this event meant to him in 2015, Smith had stated, "I get to keep my teeth and I can't believe it's free." A patient new to this year's event, Yvette said, "This was the most amazing dental cleaning I have had in my whole life!"
Dr. Todd Britten explained how glad he is to be doing this the third year in a row and would like to do it annually for the entirety of his career. When asked why this is a cause so near and dear to his heart he stated that his grandfathers and uncles served in the military and giving back to veterans in need is a top priority for him. Dr. Britten said, “The entire staff at Britten Periodontics is so grateful to the men and women in the military that make so many sacrifices for our freedom.”

Britten Periodontics & Implant Dentistry is a periodontal practice offering patients personalized dental care in implant dentistry in Clearwater, Florida. Dr. Todd Britten received his Bachelor of Science & Doctorate of Dental Surgery from University of Florida, a Master’s Degree and Certificate in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry; and completed extensive training at the Institute of Advanced Laser Dentistry. He is one of the only board-certified periodontists in Pinellas County. He is a member of the American Academy of Periodontology, American Dental Association, Florida Association of Periodontists, Upper Pinellas County Dental Association, Hillsborough County Dental Association, Hillsborough County Dental Research Association and Florida West Coast Dental Association.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Clearwater FL Periodontist: American Diabetes Month

Oral health = overall health. November is known as American Diabetes Month. Dental professionals support the American Diabetes Association's efforts to focus our nation's attention on the disease and the tens of millions of people affected by it.
Most of us have been affected by Diabetes, having friends, families and neighbors managing the day-to-day triumphs and challenges of the disease. The American Diabetes Association uses this special month to raise awareness and create a sense of urgency about this growing public health crisis.
For more information on how Diabetes effects oral and periodontal health, visit our website at